
Haha.. As I have expected. Many of us posted about Christmas.. Now it's mu turn :) To be honest, I did not really realise Christmas went by. It did not feel like Christmas to me too actually. I was so busy with so many things.

First, on Christmas eve it was such a rush to get from the place I work to church cause work finished at 5.30 and caroling started at 6.30.. But God gave me a smooth journey and I reached the STATION on time :) I enjoyed caroling but then, it just wasn't there, the thought of Christmas(I do not like to use the word mood, though I want to). Such a tiring Christmas eve. I only shower at 1.30 in the morning. Hehe..

Hah.. Christmas morning.. The night before slept at 2 in the morning and woke up at 7.15 a.m. As you can imagine how tired I was.. But still could hold it in. The worship team started practicing so as the violin girls and boys and other instrumentalist. I was sitting there thinking that I would not have to do much this Christmas cause am not in the worship team and all. But I came to realise there wasn't anyone that is gonna prepare the stage for the transection of every event. So again, got myself busy with planing and delegating tasks. Almost through whole service I had to move around. Story cut short, we finished everything around 6 after Uncle Jacky's visitation. Was so tired by then. At night when out for dinner with mum and sisters.

Here was where Christmas finally sunk into me.. Was driving through town looking for a place to eat, I told my sis, what a great thing it is to recieve a gift during Christmas. You get two in one, the gift of baby Jesus Christ that is already everything that you can ask for, yet another gift as something more. What greater gift is there that a man can ask for than salvation given to Him, yet with God's grace He still bless us all the other things around us like our family, friends, love, etc. A present will not mean anything to me if why it is given wasn't from a greater meaning. My Christmas presents were with great value cause it came from a greater meaning. I was telling my sister, to me, though the present maybe just 1 ringgit, but in my heart it valued a 100. The night ended with dinner near Sunway till close to 12 midnight. It was a good, satisfiying and happy meal :) Another blessing.

Thank you to those have bought me present, I really appreciate it. To those who did not, to me you guys are the gift from God to me already, and it is enough. Today was a day where I absorbed everything in what had happened yesterday, and I am just overwhelmed and in awe of How graceful is my King and MY Father...

Thursday, December 25, 2008


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