Is God Real?

Is God real? How do we know? How do we prove that He is real?

There was one part of my life where I was wondering whether are we creating all this religion thingi and grace and blessing things ourselves. Are we making all this up so we can feel secure of ourselves? To create this so we can at least feel some hope to continue the next day? What if everything around is was all meant to be but we just make it sound as if there was a God. What if the sun was naturally suppose to rise this morning but we say that God allowed the sun to rise making it sound like there is a God? What if we were suppose to get that bonus this month and whether there is a God or not, we will surely receive it but we say it's God's blessing and make it sound as if there was a God? Is it really like that? I got caught up with that thinking myself once upon a time. But then, I suddenly came back to my conscience, what then is around me?

If you had or have this thought or I made you think this, I want you to ask yourself this question, doesn't nature itself prove that God exist? Doesn't the nature around you shows you how glorious He is and how powerful He is? Well, I am sure there WAS someone who created it right? And if your answer is human who made the nature I think that is a bit silly. What about the sun? Yeah it may just be a natural thing that it rised this morning, but there must be someone that first created it in the beginning right?

Same goes to the earth? You say it came from the big bang? Well it may be, but how did the big bang came about? It must have come from something, I may agree if you say there is no one who initiated it and it may just be the nature that caused the big bang, but, the big bang needs something so a big bang can happen also right? So where did that one small particle came from? I may still believe a lot of things that is happening around us now may just be mere coincidence and just a natural phenomena but I can never agree if you say things and the earth and human just came to existent from thin air.

I know this post is nothing so theological about this post and about the existent of God, but if sufficient for my faith that there is God.. I hope and pray that in a way or another this post may help some.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


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